The Campaign DON’T LET THEM DECEIVE YOU Recruits California Latinos To Unmask the Lies of Big Oil and Hold the Industry Accountable.

  • 2 mins read

Los Angeles, CA

Members of the La Mesa Coalition held a press conference to launch Don’t Let Them Deceive You, a community campaign to unmask the lies that big oil companies tell the Latino community in California while benefiting from them. 

“In California, 8 out of 10 Latino children under 10 years old live in the most polluted areas and have a much higher risk of developing asthma and type 2 diabetes than their white counterparts,” said Martha Argüello, executive director of Physicians for Social Responsibility, founding member of La Mesa.

“Big oil companies think it’s okay to sacrifice their lives and health to protect their record profits. NO MORE.”

La Mesa is a space for environmental justice advocates and ethnic media to come together to address pressing climate change issues affecting Latino communities in California, especially the harm to our health and the environment caused by big oil companies.

Don’t Let Them Deceive You is a community-led campaign to unmask the lies that big oil companies have been telling our community for years while polluting our air, harming our health, and lining their pockets. We work to generate public and political support

for measures that truly protect the health of Latino communities in California, including:

Ending drilling and oil wells in our neighborhoods and among our farms and lands.

Ensuring that oil companies clean up the mess they left in our communities after decades of drilling among us.

Adopting measures that promote clean transportation, including electric vehicles, electric charging infrastructure, and lithium technology.

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